A controversial affair unfolds when a young man, Glen, manipulates his stepmother, Lorraine and her sister, Leilanie, to fall for him to exact revenge on his father, Mauro. But when the real story of Mauro comes to light, Glen is in for...
Robin, a young student, is obsessed with Tanya, his teacher. He then sees Tanya kissing a female student, so he blackmails her. When Robin believes that he is in control, he learns Tanya's dark personality.
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Cara is the alluring patient of engaged therapist Eric. She seeks counseling for her fetish of sleeping with taken men. But instead of addressing it, they find themselves starting a secret affair they just can't seem to stop.
Benz Sangalang stars as Boy Kaldag, a man infamous for his massive manhood—a gift that drives women wild and sparks envy among men. As his legend grows, Boy Kaldag plunges into a world of lust and chaos that comes with being so well-endowed...
In a small-town bakery, Mona feels trapped under her domineering father, Adon. Lina, a new employee rocks Mona's world and sparks desire. But Adon has other plans for his daughter. Torn between duty and passion, Mona must choose her own path...
Agatha and Ubel are lovers, but because of their toxic relationship they end up parting ways. Eventually, Agatha meets a new lover but she can't get enough of Ubel. They continue their illicit affair until she finds out that Ubel has a secret...
A strong childhood bond between two girls grows into something more. As they explore their bodies, Pin and Aya soon learn that their feelings for each other are beyond friendship. With their friendship at stake, will they risk it all?
SSIS-940-RM [Reducing Mosaic] Reverse Night And Late Night Rounds Of An Unparalleled Female Doctor Who Relieves Sexual Desire With A Patient’s Penis Tsukasa Aoi
SSIS940 患者ペニスで性欲解消する絶倫女医の逆夜●い深夜回診 葵つかさ
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