A film by Lawrence Fajardo, “Kabit” stars Dyessa Garcia, Victor Relosa, Josef Elizalde, and Angela Morena. The story revolves around an aspiring actress who wants to claim stardom. As she reaches her dream, she crosses the line between art and...
Click here: Uncensored mabuhok coming through.. (PART 1)
Alam kong umay na kayo pero it is what it is HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 🥴
Kahit huwag niyo na talaga silipin. 🤪
Flat Boobies! (Part 1)
Realtime 'to ha! Ngayon lang 'to 🤪
Not much kahit huwag niyo na talaga silipin 🥴
PS: Yes, maikli hair ko. Nagpakalbo ako last March kaya as you can see boy cut hairstyle ko 😚
As requested by K1LLER EYE 🫶