Benz Sangalang stars as Boy Kaldag, a man infamous for his massive manhood—a gift that drives women wild and sparks envy among men. As his legend grows, Boy Kaldag plunges into a world of lust and chaos that comes with being so well-endowed...
In a small-town bakery, Mona feels trapped under her domineering father, Adon. Lina, a new employee rocks Mona's world and sparks desire. But Adon has other plans for his daughter. Torn between duty and passion, Mona must choose her own path.
LIVE ACTION! Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta (English Subtitle)
Her husband always goes on a business trip during Obon and the end of the year, and when his wife, Yumiko, feels lonely without her husband and is...
Selina's father sells her to Tiago who makes her a sex slave. With the help of Domeng, Tiago's blind slave, she plans their way out of this living hell.
Agatha and Ubel are lovers, but because of their toxic relationship they end up parting ways. Eventually, Agatha meets a new lover but she can't get enough of Ubel. They continue their illicit affair until she finds out that Ubel has a secret...