LARAWAN. The first story titled “Larawan,” is directed by Topel Lee. Left alone, Lucas is pushed by his friend to get out and get a breath of fresh air. Lucas finally decides to drive to Batangas and visits an art gallery. At the gallery, he...
LIKO. The second story is “Liko” and is directed by EJ Salcedo. Still loveless after Lana left, Lucas started a habit of driving around the streets of Manila. One night on his drive, he picks up Liza (Cloe Barreto), an attractive woman...
Ang “Boy Kaldag” ay isang sexy-dark comedy at inspired ng 1992 sexy-drama movie na “Totoy Mola” na pinagbidahan noon ni Jay Manalo. Ito’y tungkol sa buhay ni Dakz (Benz) na tinawag na Boy Kaldag dahil sa laki ng kanyang ari.
[UNCENSORED LEAKED] Ikase Game: My Big-Titted Girlfriend Is Made To Cum By Men She Hates For My Sake Waka Misono Mizuki Yayoi Mizuki Igarashi Machi Ikuno.
Release date: 2024-12-24
Runtime: 110 min
A married couple falls into depression after the death of their child. They turn to sex as a coping mechanism, but poverty takes its toll on them.
Pls comment thank you 🙏
Iris, an 18-year old virgin marries Joaquin, a rich widower, because of money. However, when he learns that Iris is not really a virgin, their honeymoon turns to a bloodbath.
Kahit thank you lang po 🙏
Sex and rumors abound in this erotic story about high school student Jules, who won’t stop at anything to get back best friend Dahlia from new student Nessa, even if it means making up stories of illicit affairs with teachers.
Thank you...
Apple Dy and Micaella Raz, teach us a hot lesson. Robin, a young student, is obsessed with Tanya, his teacher. He then sees Tanya kissing a female student, so he blackmails her. When Robin believes that he is in control, he learns Tanya's dark...
A controversial affair unfolds when a young man, Glen, manipulates his stepmother, Lorraine and her sister, Leilanie, to fall for him to exact revenge on his father, Mauro. But there is twist and Glen is in for life-shattering shock.
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Benz Sangalang stars as Boy Kaldag, a man infamous for his massive manhood—a gift that drives women wild and sparks envy among men. As his legend grows, Boy Kaldag plunges into a world of lust and chaos that comes with being so well-endowed...
Cara is the alluring patient of engaged therapist Eric. She seeks counseling for her fetish of sleeping with taken men. But instead of addressing it, they find themselves starting a secret affair they just can't seem to stop.