Ken Park focuses on several teenagers and their tormented home lives. Shawn seems to be the most conventional. Tate is brimming with psychotic rage; Claude is habitually harassed by his brutish father and coddled, rather...
Sick Nurses (2007) 720p BluRay x264 | English Sub
A group of sexy nurses who harvest organs are haunted by the vengeful spirit of one of their dead patients.
Gun Woman (2014) 1080p BluRay x264 | English Sub
A brilliant doctor on a quest for revenge buys a young woman and trains her to be the ultimate assassin, implanting gun parts in her body that she must later assemble and use to kill her...
Women who look innocent and proud on the outside. But as it turns out, these are women who are crazy about sex. Men are dazzled by their appearance and easily deceived into going to bed with them. But in the end, these men are unable to handle...
Manila Exposed 4
Enjoy lods pampaniit samahan na ng makapal na kumot pangtakip at para sa lamig.
😆😋😁kahit kunting salamat Po Masaya na ako 😆😁😛
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