Benz Sangalang stars as Boy Kaldag, a man infamous for his massive manhood—a gift that drives women wild and sparks envy among men. As his legend grows, Boy Kaldag plunges into a world of lust and chaos that comes with being so well-endowed...
In a small-town bakery, Mona feels trapped under her domineering father, Adon. Lina, a new employee rocks Mona's world and sparks desire. But Adon has other plans for his daughter. Torn between duty and passion, Mona must choose her own path...
Three servers are willing to do everything to find their perfect mate. They are always ready to serve.
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List of "Séxy" and VivaMax movies and shows
Oct-Dec 2023
Jul-Sep 2023
Apr-Jun 2023
Adonis X (2022)
Baka Sakali (2023)
Bingwit (2022)
Cuatro (2022)
Katok (2022)
La Traidora (2022)
Mang Kanor (2023)
Nelia (2021)
Pula Ang Kulay Ng Gabi (2022)
Sosyal Medya (2023)
Taong Grasa (2023)
Upuan (2023)
A story about director Darryl wanting to revive his sunken directing career by accepting a gig of making a porn movie even with a super low budget.
Sitio Diablo (2022) 720p VMAX WEBRip x264 | English Sub
A gangster couple who return to Sitio Diablo, a gangland in Manila, and form a new gang, Illustrados. A bloodbath is set to happen when they face their old gang, Los Hijos Diablos...
A gangster couple who return to Sitio Diablo, a gangland in Manila, and form a new gang, Illustrados. A bloodbath is set to happen when they face their old gang, Los Hijos Diablos who rules Sitio Diablo.
A gangster couple who return to Sitio Diablo, a gangland in Manila, and form a new gang, Illustrados. A bloodbath is set to happen when they face their old gang, Los Hijos Diablos who rules Sitio Diablo.
AJ Raval and Kiko Estrada play a gangster couple who returns to Sitio Diablo, a gangland in Manila, and form a new gang, Illustrados. A bloodbath is set to happen when they face their old gang, Los Hijos Diablos who rules Sitio Diablo.
Genre: Action, Thriller
A gangster couple who return to Sitio Diablo, a gangland in Manila, and form a new gang, Illustrados. A bloodbath is set to happen when they face their old gang, Los Hijos Diablos who rules Sitio Diablo.
A story about a gangster couple who returns to Sitio Diablo, a gangland in Manila, and form a new gang, Illustrados. A bloodbath is set to happen when they face their old gang, Los Hijos Diablos who rules Sitio Diablo.
Sitio Diablo 720p WEB-DL...
Plot Summary
A story about a young couple who escapes to a beach house in order to sort out their relationship but finds themselves entangled in a trap set by a seductive stranger.
Movie Clip
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A story about a young couple who escapes to a beach house in order to sort out their relationship but finds themselves entangled in a trap set by a seductive stranger.
Award winning director Jose Javier Reyes spins a dark tale of...
A story about a young couple who escapes to a beach house in order to sort out their relationship but finds themselves entangled in a trap set by a seductive stranger.
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A story about a young couple who escapes to a beach house in order to sort out their relationship but finds themselves entangled in a trap set by a seductive stranger
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