In a small-town bakery, Mona feels trapped under her domineering father, Adon. Lina, a new employee rocks Mona's world and sparks desire. But Adon has other plans for his daughter. Torn between duty and passion, Mona must choose her own path...
Four stories rooted in love and lust tell the dangers of giving in to one's desires, as told in the eyes of people from different walks of life.
[UNCENSORED LEAK] The molester's finger fuck was too much of a strike...I couldn't even make a sound and my love juice overflowed to the point where I was pulling strings.
Release date: 2023-05-16
Runtime: 02:30:00
A strong childhood bond between two girls grows into something more. As they explore their bodies, Pin and Aya soon learn that their feelings for each other are beyond friendship. With their friendship at stake, will they risk it all?