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Closed Red Lace Bra

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Aug 31, 2015
Red Lace Bra

I took a shower and the water caressed my caramel brown skin and my long brown hair.I dryed off and put on the most professional clothes I had in my closet;black pants,a red lace bra,black high heels,and a white blouse.I knew no one could see my bra when I looked in the mirror.I left my apartment in which I lived in the basement.Thats why i was doing my first interview that wasnt for Safeway.I hopped on the train to Le'Fant Plaza.It took 30 minutes.I entered the building and it took a whole 4 hours before the receptionist called my name."Angelica.Your interview is ready to occur."she said.I got out of my seat and put the magazine I was reading down and went into the office.It took me a while before I noticed I was the only one there other than the receptionist and that it was 8:30.When I entered i saw a tall big white man.He had blond hair and big blue eyes."Hello.Are you Angelica Simons?"he asked me.I replied yes.We started talking about my future and the job for receptionist.All of a sudden he starts touching my arm calling me pretty.Then he starts moving his hands lower and calls me sexy.I get up to leave but he's fast.He locks the door and he calls the receptionist to fire her and tell her to leave.He pushes me on the floor.I scream but no on hears.He takes duct tape from his desk and puts it around my mouth.Im too scared to fight.He takes rope and ties my arms behind my back.He slowly starts to take off my pants and underwear.He rubs my vagina slowly then faster and faster.He starts to finger me.Faster and faster.He takes off my shoes,my blouse,and my red lace bra."This is a nice C-cup bra."He says.He rips off the duct tape and shoves the cups in my mouth andties the straps around my mouth.He rubs my boobs and licks my nipples.He takes off his pants,his shirt,and his boxers.He holds up his big penus in front of my face."Im going to fuck you." He says as if I didnt know that.As he holds my waist he shoves it in my vagina.Faster,faster,faster is what he's doing.he's holding my boobs."AAAAAAAAHHH.Damn girl.Your pussy is so good.FUUCKK"After maybe 50 minutes he unties me and spanks me.I try to stand but he grabs me by my left boob and puts me on his lap. he reties the rope except this time on his dick."Move your hands up and down."he says.I do what he says.Slowly,then faster.Hes screaming loudly.Soon cum comes out all over us.I start to suck his dick and he screams.I do this for 30 minutes until he slaps me.He fucks me doggy style and hits me so hard Im unconsious.

2 years later
My baby and I are living happily in a penthouse on the top floor.I took my rape into a novel.My rapist name was Jonas.He's now in jail.Victory.My daughters name Victorius.LOL.​
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