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NsfwPH Forum Rules (2 Viewers)

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  • Child pornography, or any media of child modeling
  • Bestiality or Animal porn
  • Gay porn
  • Pregnant and Elderly porn
  • Obscene, Gore, Torture, Flagellation, Flogging, Decapitation, and Beheading
Level 1 Violations (1-3 points of warning)
  • Avoid using all capital letters in your posts; it may be interpreted as shouting.
  • Avoid posting a single smiley or all smileys only, as they may look like spam and are too vague to be sufficient feedback.
  • Members can only speak in English or Tagalog.
  • Usernames with malicious, illicit, or foul words are prohibited.
  • Posts containing racism, foul words, bullying, rudeness, discriminating against, or threatening others are not allowed.
  • Linking to blog posts or blog sites is not allowed.
  • Advertising discōrd, telegram, facebook, TikTok, or any social media sites are not allowed.
  • This "PM me" kind of thread isn't allowed. This includes "post here and I'll PM you", "post your email", or any "post to PM" threads.
Level 2 Violations (4-5 points of warning)
  • Inappropriate profile picture or avatar.
  • Avoid posting You'Tube links or channels, as it is considered an advertisement.
  • Misuse of the "Tested" prefix; proof of earnings required. more info
Level 3 Violations (6–9 points of warning)
  • Posting multiple threads about the same referral isn't allowed.
  • Any form of advertisement pertaining to other forum sites is strictly prohibited.
  • Use of avatars, signatures, profile pictures, or screenshots containing any name or initials that resemble the name of other forum sites is considered advertising and should be avoided.

Creating New Threads

For the most part, this should be common sense, but in case it's not...
  • Start threads in the most relevant forum section.
  • Don't create empty posts that contain nothing but a link (if you are going to link to a news article, for example, give a summary of it in your own words).
  • Don't post personal attacks against other members. Take up whatever your issue is with them privately.
  • Search before you post a new thread, because there's a good chance someone has already posted it. We don't need 50 threads on the same topic. One is enough.

Don't Create Reservation Threads

They are considered spam. Such threads will be deleted or closed instantly without further explanation or notice.
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