The film Sandwich, directed by Jao Daniel Elamparo, features a stellar cast of talented actors including Katrina Dovey, Andrea Garcia, Nico Locco, and Luke Selby. It promises to be a riveting watch that explores the depths of human emotions and relationships. As a proud production of Vivamax...
A new reality show is set to stream on Vivamax.
Dubbed “Pantaxa: Laiya,” it will have eight young, beautiful women battling each other for the chance of becoming the latest Vivamax star.
Award-winning director Paul Basinillo explained, “These women have been chosen from over a hundred...
Masarap nga ba ang gumawa ng kasalanan?
Vivamax Original film 'FALL GUY'. Starring Sean de Guzman, Tiffany Grey, Quinn Carrillo, Cloe Barreto, Hershie de Leon, Karl Aquino, Marco Gomez, Vance Larena, Tina Paner, Jim Pebanco, Shamaine Buencamino, and more! Directed by...
A new reality show is set to stream on Vivamax.
Dubbed “Pantaxa: Laiya,” it will have eight young, beautiful women battling each other for the chance of becoming the latest Vivamax star.
Award-winning director Paul Basinillo explained, “These women have been chosen from over a hundred...
Hazel and Daisy (Jela Cuenca and Robb Guinto) are friends and co-workers at Bukang Liwayway Resort. They are different in many ways; Hazel is sweet and a bit shy, while Daisy is tough and a nagger, but both are caring and ready to be in love.
Everyone has the right to choose their partner. And...
A new reality show is set to stream on Vivamax.
Dubbed “Pantaxa: Laiya,” it will have eight young, beautiful women battling each other for the chance of becoming the latest Vivamax star.
Award-winning director Paul Basinillo explained, “These women have been chosen from over a hundred...
A Vivamax Original film "AFAM"! Starring VMX Crush ROBB GUINTO, VMX Crush JELA CUENCA, Nico Locco, Alexa Ocampo, PJ Rosario, Roi Alonte with the special participation of Katya Santos and Giselle Sanchez! Directed by Linnet Zurbano.
Anong bedroom games ang pwedeng laruin with Azi?
Play with the newest Vivamax Original film, 'S3X GAMES'. Starring Azi Acosta, Sheree Bautista, Josef Elizalde, and Benz Sangalang.
World Premiere this April 28 only on Vivamax!
Let's play:
Pantaxa: Laiya also brings together some of Viva’s hottest stars to keep the ladies company. Wilbert Ross and Rose Van Ginkel serve as the show’s hosts, while Maui Taylor and Katya Santos are the girls’ mentors. Two of Vivamax’s most in demand and sexiest actresses—Ayanna Misola and Angeli...
Sapul is a sexy-action drama starring Christine and Kiko. The movie also stars veteran action star Jeric Raval, Phoebe Walker, Ada Hermosa, Simon Ibarra, Chad Solano, Ina Alegre, and Suzette Ranillo. This is a story of friendship, family, and loyalty to the duty of being a police officer. Sapul...
Pip meets Jessy in Thailand. When she becomes missing, he looks for her. He then meets Kate, a woman from a gambling site owned by Nina. And he is one step closer to finding Jessy.
One of those women Harry fantasizes about is Apple (Rose Van Ginkel) – easy on the eyes, beautiful, and teasing. Apple appears to be very fun-loving and confident, but she also has this enigmatic personality that makes people more into her. Just like her name, she is the Apple of the eye of many...
When timid IT expert Harry chances upon the beautiful spa owner Apple, he falls in love at first sight. Now, wanting to get to know her but not knowing how to approach her, Harry resorts to following Apple around.
The Lawa stars Cara Gonzales, Sean de Guzman, Jela Cuenca, Josef Elizalde, Ivan Padilla, Millen Gal, Julia Victoria, Sheila Snow, Massimo Scofield, Thor Gomez, Ardy Raymundo, and Yuki Sakamoto.
Lawa 2023 vivamax