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Outdoor sex



For those of you, who added “trying something new” or “getting out of your comfort zone” to their resolutions list for this year, or if you simply want to spice up your sex life: This week’s guide is about how to (successfully) have outdoor sex and why everyone should try it at least once! After some time with the same partner it can seem hard to find exciting new things to try, especially when life is busy. Every week I get confessions which reveal that a lot of you fantasises about exploring outside the box and in sexual unknown territory (literally). That’s why I decided to give you some tips this week and talk with you about how a small geographical change to the usual environment can make all the difference. According to a study, conducted in Quebec, over 80% of Canadian residents fantasise about having sex in an unusual place (The Journal of Sexual Medicine). So why not give it a shot?
As the temperature is getting lower and lower (at least in most parts of Europe), sex in the open might sound a lot more appealing in theory than actually doing it. But nonetheless, I dare you to escape into the wild (or your closest piece of nature, for all of you metropolitans) and get intimate. The sense of freedom you get in nature combined with a rush of adrenaline, because theoretically you could get caught at any minute, makes sexual outdoor experiences so special.
So let’s take our cravings seriously and start exploring…​

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