The upcoming movie project, "Ang LITSONERAS," boasts an ensemble cast comprising VMX Majesty Yen Durano, alongside Jamilla Obispo, Victor Relosa, Joko Diaz, Aerol Bren C. Carmelo, Elmo Elarmo Jr., Kedebon Colim, Eco Benitez, and many more talented artists. Under the skilled direction of renowned filmmaker Roman Perez Jr.
The upcoming movie project, "Ang LITSONERAS," boasts an ensemble cast comprising VMX Majesty Yen Durano, alongside Jamilla Obispo, Victor Relosa, Joko Diaz, Aerol Bren C. Carmelo, Elmo Elarmo Jr., Kedebon Colim, Eco Benitez, and many more talented artists. Under the skilled direction of renowned filmmaker Roman Perez Jr.